pro tempore Katherine Huang is a graduate student in genomics and computational biology at UPenn. Her work has appeared in print/online at various places, including Longleaf Review, Pangyrus, phoebe, Rattle, The Shore, and Whale Road Review. Her work has been nominated for Best of the Net and the Pushcart Prize. When not writing, sciencing, or West Trestle Review-ing, she enjoys dancing and taking naps. You can find her on ex-Twitter @Katabolical and on Instagram @kata_bolical.
Managing Editor
Annie Stenzel (she/her) was born in Illinois, but did not stay put. Journals in which her work appears include Atlas and Alice, Chestnut Review, Galway Review, On the Seawall, One Art, Rust + Moth, SoFloPoJo, SWWIM, Thimble, and UCity Review. A second full-length collection, Don’t misplace the moon, was published by Kelsay Books in July, 2024. Her earlier collection is The First Home Air After Absence (Big Table Publishing, 2017). She also edits poetry for Right Hand Pointing, and makes her home on unceded Ohlone land within walking distance of the San Francisco Bay. On Instagram, she's @anniebenannie.
Founder, Publisher
& EIC emerita Patricia Caspers is an award-winning poet, journalist and columnist. Her work has been published in journals such as Ploughshares, Nimrod, Spillway, Sugar House Review, and Cimarron. She is the author of three full-length poetry collections, The Most Kissed Woman in the World (Kelsay Books, 2024), Some Flawed Magic, (Kelsay Books, 2021), and In the Belly of the Albatross, (Glass Lyre Press, 2015). She is a Unitarian Universalist, and she Instas at @patriciacasperswriter.
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